Class 6th NCERT Notes, Summary :UPSC, SSC, Banks and other competitive examination

Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From?
  1. Bees collect nectar(Sweets Juices) from plant flower, convert it into honey and store them in their hive. Nectar from flower is available only a part of year, so bees store this nectar for their use all through the year. We collect honey from the beehive of the bees.
  2.  Herbivores: animal which eat only plants or plant product. e.g. cow, horse, donkey etc. Carnivores: animal which eat other animal only e.g. lion, tiger, shark etc. Omnivores: animal which eat both animals and plant, plants product e.g. cat, dog, human etc.

KEYWORD: Bean sprout: अंकुरित दाल, Sprouted Seeds: अंकुरित बीज, Edible (खाद्य ) is the most common term for “capable of being eaten” (खाद्य "खाया जा करने में सक्षम")

Chapter 2: Component of foods
  1. Food nutrients: carbohydrates( form of starch and sugar), fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. fats and carbohydrates also called "energy giving foods".
  2. Beside nutrients our body also need roughage(fibers) and water.
  3. Carbohydrates mainly provides us energy. Source - potato, sugarcane, melon, mango, maize, rice, bajra, wheat etc.
  4.  Fat also give us energy in fact fat give us more energy compared to carbohydrates in same quantity food. Fat come form both plants and animals.  plant fat source: ground nuts, til, mustard oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil etc. animal fat source: fish, butter, ghee, milk, meat, cream etc. 
  5.  Protein are needed for growth and repair of the body. Food containing fat also called "Body building foods". Protein also come form both plant and animals. Plant Protein source: soybeans, peas (channa), dal, moong, gram etc. Animal Protein source: paneer, milk, fish, eggs, meat etc.
  6. Vitamin are of different kinds like A,B,C,D,E,K. Also these have different group like Vitamin B1, B2, B complex. Vitamin keep our skin and eye healthy. Vitamins:(A- milk, carrot, fish oil vegetables), (B- liver, maize, rice), (C-  Tomato, lemon, amla, guava, orange etc.), (D- milk, butter, eggs, fish, sunlight etc.)
  7. Minerals are also need in small amount for proper growth and good health: Source: Iodine: salt, sea foods, fish etc. Phosphorous: milk, banana, rice etc. Iron: apple, green vegetable like spinach etc. Calcium: milk, eggs etc. 
  8.  Besides our body need dietary fibers and water. Dietary fibrers also called roughage. Roughage mainly obtained form plant product Soruce: Whole grain, plused, potato, fresh fruits and vegetable. Roughage do not provide any nutrient to our body but essential component of our body. It help in get rid of undigested food.
  9. Water helps our body to absorb nutrients from food. It helps in throwing waste form body as urine and sweat.
  10. Test for starch (form of carbohydrates): add 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution in raw food item(test tube) if there is change in color of blue-black then it show presence of starch in food item. [ A dilute solution of iodine can be prepared by adding a few drops of tincture iodine to a test tube half filled with water].
  11. Test for protein: take some food in powder form and put it in a test tube and add 10 drops of water shake the test tube, using dropper add 2 drops of solution of copper sulphate and 10 drops of solution caustic soda shake the test tube stand the test tube for some minutes. if test tube color turn to violet color  then it indicates presence of proteins in the food item. [copper sulphate solution can be prepared by dissolving 2gm of copper sulphate in 100mL of water, caustic soda solution can be prepared by dissolving 10g of caustic soda in 100mL of water]
  12. Test for fats: Take some quantity of food and wrap it in a piece of paper if it show oily patch or light pass through that paper, then it show sign of fat in food item sometime water also show oily patch so leave the paper for some time so that water dried up.
  13. Balance Diet: Diet that contains all nutrients that our body needs in right quantities not too less not too much with enough roughage and water is called as balanced diet.
  14. Diseases: Excess of fat from fast food suffer obesity.
  15. Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency Symptom
    Vitamin A Loss of Vision Poor Vision, Loss of vision in darkness(night), sometimes complete blindness
    Vitamin B1 Beriberi Weak muscles and very little energy to work
    Vitamin C Scurvy Bleeding gums, wounds take longer time to heal
    Vitamin D Rickets Bones become soft and bent
    Calcium Bone and teeth Week bones and teeth decay
    Iodine Goiter Glands in the neck appear swollen, mental disability in children
    Iron Anemia Weakness

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric

  1. Fibre: A. Natural Fibre: Plant (Cotton, Jute), and Animal fibre (Wool, Silk) B. Synthetic Fibre: Nylon, Acrylic,  
  2. Cotton: Ginning is process of separation of cotton fibres from cotton balls. Cotton crops always grown in BLACK soil and WARM weather. Process of making yarn from fibre is called SPINNING. A simple device is used for spinning is called TAKLI, another hand operated device  used for spinning is CHARKHA. Use of charkkha was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi as part of Independence movement. He encouraged people to wear clothes made of homespun yarn. There are two method of converting yarn to fabric. 1. Weaving: Two yarns are weaved to each other like bijna, patal etc. 2. Knitting: Single yarn is use to make fabric a knit is made to complete yarn just like grandmother make woolen clothes. Note: In ancient Egypt cotton as well as FLAX were cultivated near the river NILE to make fabrics. 
  3. Jute: Jute fibre are obtained from jute plant steam. It is cultivated in RAINY SEASON. In India it is mainly grown in West Bengal, Bihar and Assam. Jute stem are kept in water for some days and stem rot and fibres are separated by hand.
Chapter 4: Sorting material around us
  1. Appearance: Lustre, Dull, Transparent (object seen easily throughout e.g. glass or tumbler), opaque (object can not seen through e.g. wood), Translucent (object can be seen but not clearly e.g. oily paper)
  2. Hardness: Hard, Soft, Rough
  3. Solubility: Soluble (Easily mix in e.g. salt in water), Insoluble (not mix in e.g sand in water), Float, Sink.
Chapter 5: Separation of the objects
  1. Hand Picking: used to remove impurities like solid dirt, stone from wheat or rice.
  2. Threshing: Process of separating grains from stalks(puli).
  3. Winnowing: Process of separating heavier and lighter component by wind or blowing air.
  4. Sieving:  used to removed husk or stone from floor, salt etc. 
  5. Sedimentation: when heavier particle in mixture is settled in bottom after adding water called sedimentation. When water is removed the process is called decantation.
  6. Filtration: method of separating tea leaves from prepared tea.
Chapter 6: Changes around us
  1. Contraction, Evaporation, Expansion, Melting, Condensatation: process of converting water vapour into liquid, saturated: when salt is mixed with water and after 
Chapter 7: Getting to know plants