Biology for SSC CGL Part 1: Introduction, Virus causing diseases.

'Study of life. Father of Biology was "ARISTOTLE".
1. Botany: Study of plants. Book: Historia Plantarum. Father: "Theophrastus - थियोफ्रास्टस"
2. Zoology: Study of Animal. Book: Historia Animalium. Father: "Aristotle"

Pathogens-  'Disease causing agents'
These are VIRUS (lethal घातक -  form ) ,  BACTERIA,  FUNGUS,  PROTOZOA,
Virus means poison and is connecting link between living and dead.
Discovered by Russian Scientist "IVANOVSKY इवानोवस्की".
Study of virus called "virology".
Crystallization of Virus was done by "STANLEY" in 1935. He got noble price for this achievement in 1942. Crystal was named T.M.V - Tobacco Mosaic Virus.

Genetic material of Virus
I. D.N.A ( Deoxyribonucleic Acid): DNA is made of virion protein. "Watson and Cricks" stated double helical structure of DNA. Upper covering of D.N.A is called "CAPSID"
II. R.N.A (Ribonucleic Acid): Ribo means sugar.

A.I.D.S - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
"Group of virus caused by HIV (- Human Immune Deficiency) Virus. It destroyed Immune system of a human being."
Origin: Monkey related disease, originated from South Africa. First patient was found in USA. In India first case was found in 1984 Tamil Nadu. Central Africa is most affected area in the world.
HIV - Human Immune Deficiency Virus
- Single stranted R.N.A. There is no D.N.A in this virus.
- Enveloped retrovirus.
- Enzymes, reverse transcriptase, intergrare, ribonuclease and protease.
After infection with HIV Virus, AIDS is generated after 10-13 year.
Transmission: Blood Transfusion, Infected syringe, tattooing, Mother to baby via Umbilical cord, Milk feeding, by direct sexual contact with infected person.
Diagnosed: ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay) test, if this test is positive then Western Biot Test to confirm the result.
Antibiotic: Zidovudine (ZDV) aka Azidothymidine.
Awareness: World AIDS Day 1st December every year. NACO - National AIDS Control Organization, Red ribbon express train.

Hepatitis: Hepat - liver, Itis - Inflammation.
Type: A, B, C, D, E
Hepatitis A is transmitted by blood transfusion, Hepatitis C is transmitted by contaminated food and water. Hepatitis B is most lethal and communicable.
Test: Hbs Ag Test.
Antibiotic: Vaccination

Dengu Fever (Viral Disease)
'Caused by dengue virus which transmitted by female 'Aedes aegypti' mosquito.
- most active in rainy season sept-oct.
- affect blood platelets. (Normal platelets : 1.5-4.5 lac)
In children: D.H.F Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever.
In Adults: Bone Break Fever.

Ebola Fever
Ebola is a name of a river passed through "Congo republic" in Africa continent.
Originated in 1976 and return in Aug, 2014 in Liberia (announced emergency), Guinea, and Sierra Leone.
Casused by: EBOLA Virus.
Carrier of EBOLA: Fruits Bats (Bite on ear of cattle), Pigs.
Affected Part: Platelet cells.

Small Pox (Lethal Disease)
Cause by Variola Virus.
Only once time disease in a life.
Formation of season skin, happen during weather changes.
Edward Jennes made vaccine for small pox. He was father of immunology.

Chicken Pox 
Caused by Varicella Virus.
No permanent sear formation.
Not lethal disease.
Active during weather changes.

Influenza (Common Cold)
2nd most communicable disease.
Virus: Rhino Virus
Rhinitis spread through sneezing and coughing.
Also called 'Bullet Disease"

Swine Flu
Originated form Mexico in 1978.
India first Gurugaon. At present spread across 39 countries.
Primary Host: Pig.
Secondary Host: Human
Antibiotic: Tammy Flu
Occur mostly in September and October.

First origin in Uganda 1947 in monkey.
Vector: "Aedes Aegypti" - Tiger mosquito.
Most affected country: Brazil.
Symptom: Fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes.

Occur due to rabis virus.
Affected part: Nerves system.
Affected by: Vector dog, fox, wolf, jackel, bat, monkey, cat.
Treatment: ARV anti rabies vaccine.
Day lapse:  0  3  14  21  28
Latent period: 10 days to 3 days.

Virus: Paraxyomo
Symptom: Skin disease.
Latent period: May to Sept.

Virus: Robulla
Tonsil swelling